How do you bring “Being” to the world of business in a way that is not only understood but also makes a lasting impact? Join Philippe Bartu and Rich Habets as they uncover what get’s in the way of businesses overcoming their biggest challenges.
This episode is particularly relevant for those listeners who are either in business or want to make an impact in the corporate world. Discover simple and practice ways to create a way of listening that is free from filters and interpretations and what it means to be a trusted advisor for senior executives.
About the Guest:
Rich Habets is a trusted corporate advisor and coach to ambitious senior leaders & leadership teams that want to get everything they can out of all they've got.
Rich began his career as a Management Consultant and left the classical consulting world in 2009 because he saw the incredible power and need for coaching in corporate environments. Rich's work is based on deep knowledge and extensive experience in the practical business applications of human psychology, transformation, and common sense.
Over the past 13 years, Rich has worked with over 6000 people in 20+ countries and four continents. He's helped his clients to upgrade their culture, up-level performance, solve their intractable problems, improve well-being, reduce stress and build their bottom line, and all of this through the power of coaching.
Rich lives in The Netherlands with his wife Diana and their three children.
About the Host:
Philippe Bartu is a recovering people-pleasing hotelier that became a stressed-out restaurant owner and survivor of severe burnout in 2008. This led him to become a seeker of deeper meaning and purpose in life. In doing so he had a profound spiritual realisation. He saw that every human being is always ok and perfect.
Over the last 8 years, he has led transformational international retreats and coaching programs that have helped hundreds of clients replace stress and anxiety with fun, ease, and play. He is passionate about relationships and is on a mission to create a world with less drama and more fully expressed, authentic human beings.
By reading The Ultimate Coach, Philippe deeply saw how we create our future from a place of being limited or being unlimited. Today, he helps his clients transform their relationships with their own limitations and become powerful unlimited creators.
The Ultimate Coach Resources
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