Sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan envisions a future where artificial intelligence enhances our lives rather than diminishes them. He predicts extraordinary advancements over the next 20 years, aiming for healthier and safer living. Chen explores life in 2041, where technology aids in navigating ongoing challenges like pandemics. He also highlights the innovative concept of digital twins, allowing historical figures to be experienced as virtual characters. His belief? Imagining a positive future is the first step towards creating it.
Sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan doesn’t fear a dystopian future. Instead, he believes developments in artificial intelligence will make all of our lives better, healthier and safer. He takes us on a tour of the next 20 years of AI and shares some astonishing predictions for the advancements in science and technology that could await us. “For every future we wish to create, we must first learn to imagine it,” he says.