What Can Philosophy Tell Us About Life after Death? | Prof. Mark Spencer
Dec 20, 2018
Philosophy professor Prof. Mark Spencer explores life after death, immortality of the soul, and philosophical perspectives on soul experiences post-death. Discussions include personal identity, soul's independence from the body, moral duties, and debates on reincarnation and resurrection.
Philosophy uses natural experiences to explore life after death, starting with introspection and change.
God's conservation sustains natural immortality, implying annihilation by God as the sole end.
Philosophy argues for soul perpetuity under God's coherence, exploring post-mortem intellectual capacity and personhood.
Deep dives
Philosophy's Approach to Inquiry of Life After Death
Philosophy can guide the exploration of life after death by relying on natural experiences and reasoning. Current experiences, such as introspection into one's actions and changes over time, serve as crucial starting points for this philosophical inquiry. St. Thomas Aquinas's principle that action follows being aids in understanding human immortality, highlighting the continuity and essence of the self beyond physical existence.
Definition of Natural Immortality and Divine Conservation
Defining natural immortality as the inherent ability to exist perpetually without external intervention, philosophy delves into the notion that God's conservation sustains creatures' existence. If the soul is naturally immortal, only annihilation by God could cease its existence, shedding light on the significance of divine sustenance in maintaining the continuity of being.
Existence of God and Soul's Immortality
The rational consistency of God and his role as the source of all natures point towards the unlikelihood of soul annihilation if God exists. Reasoning from effects to causes, philosophy presents a plausible argument for the perpetuity of souls. The idea that God's perfection precludes contradicting himself reinforces the notion that immortal souls persist under a coherent and ordered divine structure.
Possibility of Soul's Existence Separated from the Body
Philosophy explores the potential for souls to exist and engage in activities disconnected from physical bodies after death. Reflections on abstract thinking and empirical observations suggest that the soul's capacity for independent intellectual pursuits could extend beyond bodily constraints post-mortem. Various philosophical perspectives on soul-body relationships offer insights into the soul's intrinsic nature and potential for continued existence.
Survivalism vs. Corruptionism: The Fate of the Person Beyond Death
Survivalism asserts that not only the soul but also the person endures after death, countering the corruptionism perspective that the person ceases to exist beyond physical demise. The fundamental nature of thoughts and existence aligns with the concept of personhood persisting alongside the soul's survival. Philosophical arguments favor the idea that the separated soul embodies the entirety of the person, upholding the coherence of individual identity and existence post-death.