I love when your very own voices give me the chance to explain things that everyone needs to know. These concepts bear repeating again and again, reminding us always how to stick with the work alongside a mindset of healing. Today we take two Speakpipe questions from Alanna and Raquel, and tackle the "back to basics" concepts of how to do this work "right" and why exactly we are a society suffering in chronic pain in the first place. Use this pod as a little shot in the arm (excuse the vaccine pun in our current societal moment!) to help keep you chugging along, doing this work, and transforming your life.
Also today I announce the next big thing I am offering - my first Membership Community offering. I'm starting small - 100 of us together for six months. Spending time LIVE for one afternoon a month (or morning/evening as it were per your time zone) and also in constant virtual contact in a dedicated community. If you are interested in learning more and joining the waitlist, write me an email at njsachs@gmail.com with MEMBERSHIP in the subject line, and I will get you all the info. The first 99 people to add their names to the waitlist will be my first group!
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!