Happy Podcast Day!! Today I take an excellent question from my FB community about the difference between reacting and responding, the power of pausing and considering a different assessment of the situation, and how this doesn't lead to the repression of more emotions. The beauty of the ability to *pause* is incredible, and paired with a consistent JournalSpeak practice can offer you so much freedom in the way you interact with your world (not to mention bring your pain waaaay down!) Join me for an important discussion on how this matters to your journey, and your life.
Also today I introduce an opportunity to support my work, and enhance your recovery with more original content from me, or even direct interaction between us. I have established a Patreon page that will allow you to support my life saving efforts, and receive some real guidance in your personal journey. Please learn more about this at www.patreon.com/NicoleSachsLCSW
NOTE: I have been invited to do a second 5 day retreat: April 5-10, 2020 at 1440 Multiversity in Santa Cruz, CA. Save the Date! The retreat will go on sale soon with the release their Spring Catalog. And of course, my second annual 5 day OMEGA Retreat is LIVE AND ON SALE for August 9-14, 2020 in beautiful Rhinebeck, NY. To see the moving video my wife Tiff made on last year's retreat, go to www.thecureforchronicpain.com/resources.