In this episode we discuss:
Whether cod liver oil is an ideal source of vitamin A/retinol
Whether we should be concerned about the omega-3 content of cod liver oil (CLO)
The idea that we want our fat cells to be insulin resistant to lose fat
Whether keeping insulin low is the key to fat loss
What hormones regulate fat loss
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2:54 – what we think about cod liver oil as a vitamin A source
9:50 – why someone may benefit from cod liver oil, and why it likely isn’t a result of the retinol
10:56 – the immunosuppressive effects of omega-3s
14:25 – the major problems with omega-3s, including cod liver oil specifically
25:33 – clarifying our thoughts on the Croissant Diet
28:26 – burning saturated fat versus burning PUFA and whether PUFA create more ROS than saturated fats
31:41 – what we think of the idea that consuming saturated fats will allow for fat loss by causing insulin resistance in the adipocytes (fat cells)
42:50 – why increasing fat burning doesn’t inherently lead to increased fat loss
47:11 – whether increasing satiety is the key to fat loss