In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Ulfat Shaikh discusses the development of an implementation toolkit to prevent medication errors in the home and community using quality improvement methodology. She describes the process of translating recommendations from a policy statement into practice, opportunities for collaboration with the Council on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, and next steps from this work.
Ulfat Shaikh, MD, MPH, MS
Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director for Healthcare Quality
University of California Davis Health
Kristina Malik, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics,
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Medical Director, KidStreet
Pediatrician, Special Care Clinic,
Children's Hospital Colorado
Initial publication: March 11, 2024.
Shaikh U, Kim JM, Yin SH. Implementing Strategies to Prevent Home Medication Administration Errors in Children With Medical Complexity. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2023 Aug 29:99228231196750. doi: 10.1177/00099228231196750. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37644803.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 3rd Edition. Use the Teach-Back Method: Tool 5. Content last reviewed February 2024.
American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Preventing home medication administration errors implementation resources. Published November/December 2021. Accessed August 16, 2023.
Yin HS, Neuspiel DR, Paul IM, Franklin W, Tieder JS, Adirim T, Alvarez F, Brown JM, Bundy DG, Ferguson LE, Gleeson SP, Leu M, Mueller BU, Connor Phillips S, Quinonez RA, Rea C, Rinke ML, Shaikh U, Shiffman RN, Vickers Saarel E, Spencer Cockerham SP, Mack Walsh K, Jones B, Adler AC, Foster JH, Green TP, Houck CS, Laughon MM, Neville K, Reigart JR, Shenoi R, Sullivan JE, Van Den Anker JN, Verhoef PA. Preventing Home Medication Administration Errors. Pediatrics. 2021 Dec 1;148(6):e2021054666. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-054666. PMID: 34851406.
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Shaikh U, Malik K. Preventing Pediatric Medication Errors at Home: Putting a Policy Statement into Practice. 3/2024. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast.