Should you make a list when looking for a partner? The hosts discuss the pros and cons, share their own lists, and talk about misconceptions. They also dive into pop culture, talk about the best lighting for hot sex, and share foreplay pet peeves. Plus, they discuss their criteria for finding a partner, the importance of acknowledging personal trauma, and the evolution of priorities in different life stages.
Creating a love list and making promises to yourself can help foster trust in yourself and build your self-worth.
Having shared values, beliefs, and lifestyle preferences is crucial for a successful relationship.
Allowing room for personal growth and understanding that preferences may change over time can lead to a stronger partnership.
Being with a partner who values and adores you for who you are is essential for a fulfilling relationship.
Deep dives
Creating a Love List
Consider making a love list as part of your resolution this year to prioritize your love life and relationships. An intentional and focused approach to love can lead to more fulfilling connections and experiences. Taking the time to reflect on what you want in a partner, what you value in relationships, and the qualities you seek in a romantic connection can help guide your decisions and actions in your love life. Use your love list as a guide to ensure that the choices you make align with your relationship goals and aspirations.
Making Promises to Yourself
When creating your resolution list, make promises to yourself that will serve to further your personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment. Build trust in yourself by setting achievable goals and committing to actions that align with your values and aspirations. Remember that it's okay to give yourself grace and that not every day will be perfect. Use your resolution list as a reminder to stay focused on your own growth and well-being.
Reflecting on Your Progress
Regularly look back at your resolution list to assess your progress and ensure that the decisions you make in your daily life align with your intentions. Recognize the steps you've taken towards achieving your goals and celebrate your accomplishments. Adjust your plans and goals as needed, allowing yourself the flexibility to adapt and evolve as you navigate your journey.
Building Trust and Self-Worth
Creating a love list and making promises to yourself can help foster trust in yourself and build your self-worth. By prioritizing your love life and setting goals that align with your values and desires, you are showing yourself that you deserve love and fulfillment. Embrace the process of self-growth and use your resolution list as a tool to support your journey towards creating a life and love that brings you joy and satisfaction.
The Power of Making a List
Making a list of what you want in a partner can help clarify your needs and desires.
The Importance of Compatibility
Having shared values, beliefs, and lifestyle preferences is crucial for a successful relationship.
Embracing Individuality and Growth
Allowing room for personal growth and understanding that preferences may change over time can lead to a stronger partnership.
Finding Someone Who Appreciates You
Being with a partner who values and adores you for who you are is essential for a fulfilling relationship.
If you’re looking for a partner…should you make a list of what you want? We are deep diving on this question and discussing how to approach the list, what to include, and how to divide and prioritize things. We’re also sharing our own lists, misconceptions about this exercise, and top qualities our listeners have on their love lists. Before we get into our topic, we’re doing a little pop culture dive (Is Ben Affleck ok? Is Barry Keoghan hot?), talking about the best lighting for the hottest sex, Ashley’s shares her foreplay pet peeve, and Rayna’s neighbor gives us a show (we recommend watching this one on YouTube). Enjoy!