Beyond Pleasure: Three Keys to Truly Fulfilling Sex
Sex is at the intersection of life and humanity. For the majority of us, it’s how we got here and for parents, it’s how we will continue on after we are gone. We often hear the term “better” sex, which begs two questions: what does that mean? And, why is the sex we are currently having not good enough?
In this episode we will define the goal of sex - regardless of the stage of the relationship and we will also discuss what prevents us from having sex that lives up to our desired potential. I’m going to take you on a journey as we explore the three sexual freedoms. Starting with discussing the power of freedom to, which I think describes the stage that myself and my husband/ the creative director of this podcast, Jared Brady are in. Then freedom from, which I discuss with my friends Yancy and Premika Leo. Finally we will talk about the Freedom not to, which I explore with my Lovers Community.
Thank you Bumble
This episode of Lovers is presented by Bumble who encourages you to date your way. There is a world where you can date exactly who you want, however you want. So date now, on
My class on MasterClass
If you’d like tangible tips for improving your relationship with sex AND your sex appeal. I HIGHLY recommend checking out my class on MasterClass the Art of Sex Appeal
Better Sex Quiz
If you want to know which freedom you should focus on in order to improve your sex life today, try this quiz
Commitment Structure Quiz
If Shan and Jared’s conversation around open relationships intrigued you, take this quiz to identify your commitment structure
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