Mike Cosper of "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill" (#145)
Feb 21, 2022
Today Tony Jones and I interview Mike Cosper, the host of "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill" podcast, diving into the detailed aspects of the widely successful show. We cover its underlying themes while also challenging some of Cosper's choices and methodology. We also touch on broader topics like narcissism in church leadership, journalistic responsibilities, and attempting to redeem evangelicalism.Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rise-and-fall-of-mars-hill/id1569401963Responding to "The Rise & Fall of Marse Hill" (Episodes 1 & 2): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-have-permission/id1448000113?i=1000531466861Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKochFaith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia@gmail.com -- he is accepting more work!)Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankochEmail about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: youhavepermissionpodcast@gmail.comYHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.htmlJoin Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/Artwork by sprungle.co/