Comedian Django Gold joins hosts Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds as they explore intriguing historical newspaper stories, including mysterious phenomena, a bridge-stealing incident, the humorous 'Dung Silver Rush', heavy snowfall in West Moorland, lack of supporting details in news articles, self-curing medicines, newspaper sale and miracle tonics, and French frustration with cannons.
Accidental explosion led to the destruction of a Jesuit street, resulting in numerous casualties.
A conspiracy plot in Barbados to kill white individuals and set the town on fire was thwarted.
Captain John Prentice disgracefully surrendered his well-equipped vessel to the French.
Deep dives
Blown-up Magazine and Destroyed Streets
Since the demolition of the works, 170 soldiers, miners, and peasants have been killed in the ruins. The whole street of the Jesuits was destroyed by an accidental explosion of a gunpowder magazine.
Shipwrecked Schooner and Lost Lives
A small schooner sailing out of York River was lost in a violent gust of wind, sinking near Fleet's Bay. All the individuals on board, including Mr. George Sibald and Engraves Pack, perished in the incident.
Negroes' Conspiracy to Kill Whites
A conspiracy plot by the negroes in Barbados to destroy all white individuals was intercepted. The plan involved murdering specific individuals and then proceeding to set the town on fire, where people would be stabbed and destroyed. Thanks to the information provided by a chief conspirator's wife, the plot was foiled.
Cowardly Captain's Surrender to the French
Captain John Prentice, commander of the privateer Greyhound, surrendered and delivered his well-equipped vessel to the French in a most disgraceful manner. Despite having cannons on board, Prentice had only six guns loaded and gave up without significant resistance. The French officers openly criticized his behavior and expressed that if one of their own captains had acted similarly, they would have been hanged or burned.
Poor Planners' Prescription for Self-Care
An advertisement offers a cure for various ailments, providing plain and easy means for individuals to cure themselves of common illnesses using medicines produced in the region. The ad guarantees low cost and growth-specific remedies.
Demolished Works and Deceased French Prisoners
Since the demolition of a place, 170 soldiers, miners, and peasants have died. Additionally, a French privateer, the Greyhound, carrying 12 cannons and manned by about 90 men, was blown up during an unknown accident, leading to its surrender to the French. The captain and his crew were condemned and images of them were hanged and burned as a form of public humiliation.