I heard from Grace long before I met her at Omega. She was deeply struggling, and reached out for help. The only thing I could advise her (and could advise anyone) was to take advantage of the resources I offer, and do her best to do the work. Well, boy did she! Not only did Grace do the work, she came to Omega and bravely and boldly lived her journey out loud. Grace's story has lots of peaks and valleys, but more than anything it has striking success. Join us for a great success RTH, and walk away with amazing insights and advice for your own life. Also, remember that Omega is early this year - June 25-30th! Sign up now if you want the best accommodations. It's such a perfect holiday gift for oneself; the gift to change your life the way Grace has changed her own. Much love! XOXO n.
If you are interested in supporting the many free resources I offer to get this message to the global community, please consider donating to my cause on my website, www.thecureforchronicpain.com. Look for the DONATE button on the home page. Thank you so much!