Are you frustrated because your hard work isn’t noticed? Are you looking to move up and don’t know how? Michael Wenderoth joins Kevin to discuss the mindsets we need to change to not only promote ourselves but also our teams. For example, politics aren’t bad; they are just a mechanism by which decisions are made. Power is not a bad word. We need to understand power and learn how to harness its energy. When we reject the idea of power, we are immediately at a disadvantage. We need to leverage power to accelerate our impact.
Key Points
Michael Wenderoth discusses the mindset shifts we need to think about including political, authenticity, and power.
He shares the sources of power, political skills, networking, control of resources, executive presence and communication, and visibility and brand.
Meet Michael
Name: Michael Wenderoth
His Story: Michael Wenderoth is the author of Get Promoted: What You’re Really Missing at Work That’s Holding You Back and an Executive Coach that has helped thousands of aspiring leaders ethically leverage power and politics to breakthrough – and ascend. Prior to becoming an executive coach, Michael served 20 years in senior roles bringing blockbuster innovations to life in China, the U.S., and Europe.
Worth Mentioning: Michael is a Coach in Stanford Business School Executive Education programs, and a Lecturer at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Michael’s focus is on building POWER, a word with negative connotations – and a topic most people mistakenly shy away from. He believes understanding power is THE key to success if you want to move up, get big things done, or become a better leader.
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