In a captivating discussion, Charlie Awbery, a seasoned Vajrayana teacher and author, explores their spiritual journey and the significance of names in community practice. They share insights on the playful essence of Tantric philosophy and the evolution of teacher-student dynamics, emphasizing mutual engagement. Charlie highlights a unique invocation's transformative role and the importance of embracing shadows for personal growth. With a focus on fluid identities, this conversation invites reflection on adapting ancient teachings for contemporary spirituality.
Charlie Awbery emphasizes the importance of adapting traditional Vajrayana teachings within contemporary settings to resonate with modern spiritual identities.
The Evolving Ground community fosters creative exploration through shadow work, allowing individuals to confront hidden aspects of themselves for personal transformation.
Deep dives
The Role of Identity in Modern Practice
The speaker discusses the significance of names in spiritual identity, highlighting the duality of personal and teacher identities. Charlie Aubrey, also known as Rinzin, reflects on how these names symbolize different roles in their practice. The transition from a traditional Vajrayana context to a more fluid identity showcases the evolution of spiritual practice in contemporary settings. This shift emphasizes the importance of adapting traditional teachings to resonate with modern interpretations of self and community.
Emergence of Evolving Ground Community
The Evolving Ground community exemplifies a burgeoning creative space for contemporary Vajrayana practices. It fosters an environment for individuals to explore traditional practices while encouraging innovation and interaction among members. Practices developed within this community serve to deepen connections and collective experiences, highlighting the organic growth of spiritual exploration. This sense of a vibrant, shared space is seen as critical for reinvigorating ancient teachings for modern practitioners.
Innovative Invocation Practices
A significant practice introduced within the community is a modern lineage invocation, which honors traditional teachings while adapting to contemporary contexts. This invocation serves to anchor practitioners by connecting them to the historical lineage of teachers and deities, reinforcing their practice's roots. Developed collaboratively, it has become a core component in retreats, highlighting its role in setting an inspiring communal tone for teachings and rituals. The invocation reflects a synthesis of tradition with current cultural consciousness, facilitating meaningful engagement.
Addressing Shadows in Spiritual Growth
The discussion delves into the concept of 'shadow work,' examining how it brings to light unseen aspects of individuals' personalities within safe, structured environments. This approach encourages participants to confront and integrate their shadow selves in social contexts, fostering personal transformation and growth. Through guided practices, individuals learn to express different facets of themselves, which can enhance their interactive experiences in community settings. By liberating shadow elements, individuals can transcend societal constraints, leading to more authentic expressions of self.
Host Michael Taft talks with Vajrayana teacher and author Charlie Awbery about the meaning of their practice name Rin'dzin Pamo, Tantra, curiosity, new developments in the Evolving Ground community, the role of play and spontaneity in Vajrayana, a special invocation written by them and David Chapman, when the teacher/student relationship breaks down, transformation, and how to liberate the shadow.
Rin'dzin Pamo, also known as Charlie Awbery, author of Opening Awareness; a Guide to Finding Vividness in Spacious Clarity, is a meditation and leadership coach. They are also the co-founder of Evolving Ground a community of contemporary Vajrayana practice. Rin'dzin practiced and studied Vajrayana for thirty years alongside working in international development and human rights. They write at