Gene and cohost Tim Swartz explore the fascinating world of UFO culture with historian Greg Eghigian, author of “After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon.” The book is the result of researching the history of the global fascination with unidentified flying objects and aliens (a fascination for him since childhood). In this discussion, the Hollywood connection to the UFO mystery is explored. And, by the way, Gene is mentioned as one of the book’s sources. Eghigian’s next book project will examine the controversy surrounding the alien abduction phenomenon. In his “civilian life,” he is a Professor of History and Bioethics at Penn State University (USA). He is a historian of science and medicine, specializing in studying the ways in which society thinks about and treats people, ideas, and behaviors it considers to be odd or dangerous. He has written books and articles about the history of disability, the history of madness, and the history of criminality, among other things.