Learn ways to calm yourself down after being triggered and regain your cool. Discover techniques like recognition and grounding, and the three steps of allowing, investigating, and non-identifying to manage triggers and maintain calmness.
Recognize triggers and use grounding techniques to bring focus to the present moment.
Allow yourself to experience triggered feelings, investigate their source, and regain control by non-identifying with them.
Deep dives
Recognize and Ground Yourself after a Trigger
Triggers can evoke intense and unexpected reactions. A trigger can be any sensory reminder, and it's important to recognize when you are likely being triggered. Remind yourself that the pain you feel is connected to a past event, not the present moment. To ground yourself, try techniques like finger tapping, deep breathing, or reciting meaningful quotes to bring your focus back to the present.
Allow and Investigate to Overcome Triggers
When triggered, allow yourself to experience the feelings without becoming overwhelmed, showing self-compassion in the moment. Instead of running away, be curious and investigate the source of the trigger and the resulting suffering. Explore the connection between the trigger and past experiences, such as childhood trauma or past relationships. Remember that thoughts and feelings are not your identity, and you can choose not to act on them. By non-identifying with triggered thoughts, you can regain control and navigate a trigger-filled world with confidence.