Elizabeth Olsen, best known as The Scarlet Witch, shares her quirky alter ego of an elderly New Yorker living solo in the city. She discusses her desire to sidestep fame's pitfalls and unveils her newfound love for the Deadheads through her latest film 'His Three Daughters'. The conversation breezes through food and health concerns, revealing shared experiences with the host, while touching on aging, personal growth, and the transformative power of acting and storytelling in both theater and film.
Elizabeth Olsen reveals her fantasy of living as an elderly New Yorker to escape the pressures of fame.
The discussion highlights the importance of authentic human connections in the entertainment industry for creative collaboration.
Both Marc Maron and Elizabeth Olsen share insights into their personal health journeys and the impact of dietary choices on their lives.
Deep dives
Elizabeth Olsen's Breakthrough Role
Elizabeth Olsen gained significant recognition for her portrayal of Candy Montgomery in the HBO series 'Love and Death.' This role showcased her extraordinary acting skills, prompting a newfound appreciation for her talents. She discussed how this performance marked a turning point in her career, as viewers began to take notice of her range and depth as an actress. Subsequently, Olsen landed a role in the film 'His Three Daughters,' directed by Azazel Jacobs, which further solidified her status in the industry.
Themes of Age and Existential Reflection
The podcast delves into themes of aging and existential dread, particularly through Maron’s own reflections on turning 61. He expressed feelings of looming darkness and uncertainty about the future while trying to channel these emotions into his acting work. Maron mentioned that acknowledging this existential crisis could be vital for his role preparation, allowing him to explore deeper character nuances. This introspection highlighted the complexities of navigating personal fears while pursuing a professional career in entertainment.
Coping Mechanisms Amidst Chaos
Maron shared a personal anecdote about the stress of travel disruptions, illustrating his tendency to become overwhelmed in chaotic situations. He described a recent flight delay that forced him to confront his panic-driven mindset. Instead of succumbing to anxiety, he decided to embrace the challenge, illustrating his coping mechanisms when faced with uncertainty. This narrative illustrated how Maron harnesses personal experiences to relate to larger societal themes, allowing listeners to understand the tension between self-control and external chaos.
The Importance of Authentic Connections
Olsen and Maron discussed the significance of genuine human connections in the entertainment industry, particularly when building a supportive cast and crew. They emphasized the impact of collaborative relationships on the quality of their craft, fostering a space for creative expression. Olsen expressed her desire to work with individuals who share her passion for storytelling, viewing these connections as essential for creative growth. This conversation highlighted how connection can enhance the collaborative process, enriching their performances and storytelling.
Food, Wellness, and Personal Choices
The conversation shifted to wellness, with both Maron and Olsen reflecting on their personal health journeys and dietary choices. Olsen shared her experience transitioning to a vegan diet, motivated by health concerns related to cholesterol. They discussed the often complex relationship individuals have with food, body image, and health. The dialogue revealed how these personal choices can affect not only their well-being but also their professional lives, shaping their experiences as actors.
Marvel fans around the world know Elizabeth Olsen as The Scarlet Witch, but Elizabeth says she has a different alter ego inside of her— that of an elderly New Yorker living on her own in the big city. Elizabeth talks with Marc about this fantasy and how it has something to do with a lifelong desire to avoid the trappings of fame. They also talk about Elizabeth becoming a Dead Head for her latest film, His Three Daughters, and how the two of them have a lot in common when it comes to food and health concerns.