Anyone know what happens at cemetaries in New Orleans, because we've heard some things and we're confused and intrigued. Sarah talks about how a piece of the sun broke off and got sucked into a polar vortex, and it's wild. Bad news though, an astroid is headed straight for Earth and we only have twenty years to have Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck solve the problem. Susie saved Sarah and Eli's relationship with a cleaning hack that will prevent future fights. Sarah might become a cat mom and Susie is thrilled. We discuss the gigantic blob of seaweed that is headed for the U.S. and Susie somehow is blaming Walt Disney for it. We hear the science behind why nostalgia is good for you, and how you can take the fast track to the goold old days when you're feeling depressed. And Sarah realized this week she's officially an old lady, and Susie is here for it!