This podcast episode looks at the family projection process in Bowen family systems theory. Each guest will give a brief elevator pitch of the concept, along with examples, what they find useful, and takeaway resources and ideas for further thinking.
Dr. Walter Smith Jr. is a licensed psychologist, a retired Deputy Director and Clinical Director at the Allegheny County Dept of Human Services, was both a clinical director and then Executive Director of Family Resources. He is currently a board member of the Pittsburgh Foundation and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Casey Family Programs foundation whose mission is to provide, improve, and ultimately prevent the need for foster care. Walter attended post graduate training in Bowen theory at the Georgetown Family Center in the early 1980s and his career has focused on understanding family violence and child abuse from a systems perspective.
Dr. Bowen “Chalk Talks”: here.
Parent Hope Project & podcast: here.
Philip Klever, “The Sensitivities of Marriage” article, Family Systems Forum, No. 3 Fall 2006: here.
Dr. Michael Kerr, One Family’s Story: A Primer on Bowen Theory: here.
Kathleen Smith, The Anxious Overachiever article, “Where is all your energy going?”: here.
#bowenfamilysystemstheory #bowentheory #murraybowen #relationship #family, #marriage #projection #problemchild
Living Systems Counselling and Training provides educational material for those interested in learning more about Bowen family systems theory:
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is general information about Bowen family systems theory and is not considered the practice of counselling or therapy. The information presented are the views of the people who say them. Any information used from this podcast is used at your own risk.