#691 If your business doesn't bring in enough cash, you can't help anyone. So how do you reverse engineer a big economic objective and build a profitable company around it? I'm very excited because returning to the show today is none other than Donald Miller, bestselling author of Building a StoryBrand. His book is one of my favorites of all time and one I'm always recommending here on the podcast. Donald is back to introduce us to his new book, How to Grow Your Small Business, his six-part framework to succeed and reach your financial goals! This interview highlights the vital aspects that determine the growth of your brand. We discuss everything from scaling a business with the right systems in place to the crucial principle of effective marketing. Donald also shares insights into hiring the right people to uplevel your company and mastering leadership. Listen in on this powerful conversation, and enjoy! Show notes and more at SmartPassiveIncome.com/session691.