On this episode, You Are Burned Out Because You Are Doing Too Little, Benjamin will talking about one of the main causes of burnout and it may not be what you think. What if the root of burnout is not about you doing too much, but instead it's about doing too little of what actually fuels you and makes you come alive. For most, the solution to burnout is not rest, but realignment. This short practical teaching is a game-changer!
Episode Quote:
I believe we are created to give our all to causes that matter. And it’s in doing work that is significant to us that we avoid burnout and experience fulfillment.
This episode, like all Rise and Lead Podcast episodes, is highly practical and motivating. Don't forget to subscribe to the Rise and Lead Podcast to ensure you get notified when new episodes release every month. When you share about the podcast, make sure and tag @benjaminlundquist, and he'll always try and give you a re-post. Remember, the best time to rise and lead is now!