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Huberman Lab

How to Learn Skills Faster

May 17, 2021

Podcast summary created with Snipd AI

Quick takeaways

  • Performing a high number of repetitions and embracing errors are crucial for rapid skill learning.
  • Allowing idle time immediately after a learning session allows the brain to consolidate skill learning.

Deep dives

The Importance of Repetitions and Errors in Skill Learning

To accelerate skill learning, it is crucial to perform as many repetitions as possible per training session. This means dedicating a specific block of time, whether it be 10 minutes or an hour, solely to performing the skill and maximizing the number of repetitions. Errors play a vital role in this process, as they cue the brain to make necessary changes and open the door for neural plasticity. By embracing errors and focusing on the feedback they provide, the brain can learn and refine the skill more rapidly.

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