If you feel anxious about sexuality, you are definitely not alone.
The trepidation that many of us feel makes a lot of sense, given that most of us got very little guidance about sexuality during our formative years. And the guidance we did get, often came from a place of fear and anxiety–ultimately doing more harm than it did good.
While I am sure that these messages were well intended, they resulted in a lot of fear and confusion, both of which interfere with our ability to accept our bodies and sexuality for what they really are –incredible gifts from our Heavenly Parents.
If we want an intimate connection with a spouse, we have to be at peace with our sexuality. Because If you don’t know your sexual self, you won’t be able to share an intimate connection with another–we can’t share what we don’t have.
The good news is that this is an area in which we can and should grow. It’s not too late. And I assure you that every effort that you make to come to peace with your God-given sexuality will pay incredible dividends in your life and in your marriage.
Recently, I joined Dr. Paul Jenkins of Live on Purpose Radio to discuss the role that peace with our OWN sexuality plays in our ability to create a soulful and sustaining connection with our spouse. In the episode, we discuss several roadblocks that couples face as they try to create sexual and emotional intimacy–these roadblocks are more common than you might think and the good news is that they can be overcome.
You can listen to the full episode to learn more about:
* What REAL intimacy is and how you can create more of it!
* The keys to creating real sexual and emotional intimacy in marriage
* The gift of coming to peace with your own sexuality