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Bill Bishop is the author of Sinocism
On today's show Andrew and Bill begin with recent meetings between US officials and PRC counterparts in Munich and Vienna, including complaints from both Director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong that the U.S. has harassed PRC students trying to enter the U.S., as well as a note about China's designation as a "major drug source country." From there: The MSS takes to WeChat to criticize the CIA, while the FBI Director warns the Munich Security Forum that Chinese malware capabilities have reached an unprecedented scale. From there: A Financial Times op-ed argues that America has done a poor job countering PRC information warfare, and Congressional staffers debate a blacklist policy for lobbying firms doing business with select PRC entities. At the end: Congressman Mike Gallagher announces he won't seek reelection, while Lionel Messi explains himself (again).
To email the show:
Holiday data OK; Emancipating minds; Kinmen; Party History; Wang Yi in Europe — Sinocism
China protests treatment of its students at Dulles and other U.S. entry points — NBC News
Memorandum on Presidential Determination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for Fiscal Year 2024 — The White House
Spycraft and Statecraft — Foreign Affairs
National security authority accuses CIA of ‘bringing suit against its victims’ in bilingual article, showing anti-spy moves justified, legitimate — Global Times
FBI Director Says China Cyberattacks on U.S. Infrastructure Now at Unprecedented Scale — Wall Street Journal
The US needs a better strategic narrative or it will cede influence to China — Financial Times
Lawmakers weigh blacklist for firms lobbying for Chinese military-linked companies — Politico
TikTok hires Biden-connected firm as it finds itself under D.C.’s microscope — Politico
GOP Rising Star and China Watchdog Mike Gallagher to Quit Congress — Wall Street Journal
After fallout in China, Messi insists politics had nothing to do with missing game in Hong Kong — AP News
Lionel Messi's official statement about missing the game in Hong Kong — YouTube
John Cena apologises to China for calling Taiwan a country (english subtitles) — YouTube
China, U.S. agree to implement consensus of San Francisco summit —