A prison dog training program leads to a daring escape plan, involving a man hiding in a crate. The tense events unfold with urgency and unexpected twists, culminating in a high-speed chase and emotional consequences. The narrative explores the bond between Toby and John Maynard, revealing a legacy of impact and purpose.
Starting a prison dog program brought purpose to Toby Dorr's life post-cancer diagnosis.
Involvement in an inmate's escape plan led Toby Dorr to face legal consequences and emotional turmoil.
Deep dives
Discovering a Purpose Amidst Illness
Toby Door, faced with a thyroid cancer diagnosis, realized the fragility of life and the desire to leave a meaningful impact. Despite the challenging treatment, Toby found solace in watching 'Cell Dogs' on Animal Planet, leading her to envision starting a prison dog program.
Creating a Life-Changing Prison Dog Program
Driven by her love for animals, Toby initiated the Safe Harbor Prison Dog Program after a serendipitous encounter with the Lansing Correctional Facility. Placing dogs directly in inmates' cells aimed to create a homely environment and aid in the dogs' successful adoption into new homes.
An Unforeseen Escape Attempt
Amidst a turbulent marriage and emotional vulnerability, Toby became entangled in a daring escape plan orchestrated by an inmate, John Maynard. As the scheme unfolded and they absconded, the events turned into a harrowing journey filled with unforeseen consequences.
Consequences and Reflections
The failed escape led to legal repercussions, with Toby and John facing extended prison sentences. While reflecting on her choices and the aftermath, Toby expressed mixed emotions, encountering loss, challenges with relationships, and seeking closure in her turbulent past.
“I never did anything wrong. I never had a speeding ticket. I think I just saved all my stuff up for just one thing.” We speak with Toby Dorr, who started a prison dog training program in 2004. That’s how she met John Manard.
This episode was originally released in 2019.
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