Here’s Why You’re Stuck… This is How You Fix It with Gary John Bishop
Nov 30, 2023
Best-selling author and personal development expert Gary John Bishop discusses the power of subconscious beliefs, taking responsibility for one's life, the paradigm of action, and creating a future instead of perpetuating the past. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing actions and promises over thoughts and feelings, and highlights the role of forgiveness in personal growth
Our life experiences are a direct result of our subconscious beliefs.
To change our lives, we must take different actions than what we have done before.
Letting go of the past and focusing on the present and future is essential for creating a new reality.
Deep dives
Creating Your Own Reality
In this podcast episode, the speaker explores the idea that our life experiences are not random or arbitrary, but are a direct result of our subconscious beliefs. The subconscious mind has a stronger influence than the conscious mind, and it determines our actions and perceptions. The speaker emphasizes that to change our lives, we must take different actions than what we have done before. Life changes only when we take action, and positive change requires us to go beyond our comfort zones. By understanding our subconscious programming and making conscious choices, we can create a new reality for ourselves.
Taking Responsibility for Your Life
The podcast discusses the importance of taking responsibility for our lives. Many people use the word 'responsibility' in a negative sense, associating it with blame or fault. However, the speaker defines responsibility as fully accepting and embracing our actions and choices. Being responsible means being aware of our subconscious beliefs and behaviors and actively working to change them. By going beyond mere knowledge and expanding our awareness, we can take control of our lives and make choices that are aligned with our true potential. It is up to us to live consciously and be fully responsible for our own growth and development.
Letting Go of the Past
The speaker highlights the danger of using the past to justify our current circumstances. We often hold onto past experiences, beliefs, and resentments, which limit our potential for growth and change. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can break free from the grip of the past and create a new future. The speaker encourages listeners to let go of resentment and understand that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. By moving beyond the past and focusing on the present and future, we can create a life that is not defined by past experiences, but by the actions we take today.
Action as the Catalyst for Change
The podcast emphasizes the power of action in creating change. Insight and knowledge alone are not enough to bring about transformation. Life only changes in the paradigm of action, and waiting to feel ready or motivated before taking action is a trap. The speaker encourages listeners to take action first, even if they don't feel confident or certain, because action is what leads to progress and growth. By making bold promises to ourselves and actively fulfilling them, we can break free from our comfort zones and push ourselves to achieve greater things.
Embracing Uncertainty
The speaker highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty in life. Many people are addicted to certainty and fear the unknown. However, true growth and transformation occur when we step into the uncertain and take risks. The speaker encourages listeners to get comfortable with not knowing how things will turn out, and to realize that even if things don't go as planned, they will be fine. Embracing uncertainty opens the door to new possibilities and allows us to break free from the limitations of our past and embrace the potential of our future.
In this episode we discuss how you create your own reality. We explore the idea that your life experiences are not random or arbitrary, but rather a direct result of your subconscious beliefs. When the conscious and the subconscious conflict, the sub-conscious wins and you’ll never get over your past until you realize how you use it to justify yourself. We dig into the powerful revelation that life only ever changes in the paradigm of action. You must do something differently than what you’ve done before in order to change. All of this and much more with our guest Gary John Bishop.