In this episode of "The Only Constant," host Lasse Rindom engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Steven Pemberton, a distinguished computer scientist with a lineage traceable to Alan Turing. They explore the evolution of artificial intelligence and question its ability to be genuinely intelligent.
In this conversation you get anecdotes from Pemberton's career and insights into the future of human-computer interaction. And take part in a conversation that questions our current metrics for intelligence and the transformative impact of AI on society.
In their company, you can explore topics such as:
- AI's Intelligence. The conversation delves into whether modern AI, such as generative models, can be considered truly intelligent. Steven and Lasse discuss the concept of 'stochastic parroting' versus genuine insight and contextual understanding.
- AI as an Internet Moment, where Steven and Lasse explore the transformative impact of AI on society, comparing it to the advent of the internet. They ponder its potential as a significant paradigm shift in how we interact with technology.
- Future of Human-Computer Interaction, where Pemberton shares his thoughts on the future evolution of human-computer interfaces. He considers developments in natural language processing, speech interaction, and the potential for thought-controlled interfaces.
We hope you will listen and are up for a deep dive into the realm where technology meets human cognition.
Do you want to learn more about Steven Pemberton?Steven Pemberton is a distinguished researcher in the field of computer science and information technology, with a long and rich history of contributions to the development of the internet and the web. He is affiliated with the Dutch national research centre Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where he conducts research on interaction, declarative programming, and web technologies.
In addition to his work on the web, Pemberton has also made significant contributions to other areas of computer science, such as the design of programming languages, having co-designed the language that Python is based on, and the study of human-computer interaction.
As a speaker, Pemberton is known for his engaging and informative presentations, which draw on his deep knowledge of computer science and his passion for technology and cover both social and technological aspects of computing. His talks are always thought-provoking and entertaining, and he has been invited to speak at numerous conferences and events around the world. In 2023 he became an ACM Distinguished Speaker.
A fuller bio is available on his website