Discover how one domain investor sold $300k of domains through outbound marketing. Learn about strategies for outbound domain sales, the importance of a well-designed landing page, legal costs and trademark challenges. Analyze the results of an outbound sales campaign and the significance of follow-up.
By reaching out to 25,000 prospects, Ryan Ewen successfully sold $300,000 worth of domains, showcasing the effectiveness of outbound marketing and personalized follow-ups.
Pricing domains at a minimum of $2,500 and utilizing compelling landing pages, targeted data sources, and relationship building techniques are crucial for successful outbound domain sales campaigns.
Deep dives
The Power of Outbound Marketing in Domain Name Investing
Ryan Euent, the founder of, shares his success story of using outbound marketing to sell domain names. Through contacting 25,000 prospects, Ryan generated $300,000 worth of domain sales. He discusses his approach to identifying potential buyers, the importance of credibility and trust in the sales process, and the value of personalized follow-ups. Ryan also highlights the significance of pricing domains appropriately and utilizing automation tools to streamline the outbound marketing process.
Effective Strategies for Outbound Domain Sales
Ryan Euent shares the strategies that yielded successful results during his outbound domain sales campaign. He emphasizes the importance of pricing domains at a minimum of $2,500 and the use of compelling landing pages to attract potential buyers. Ryan leverages various data sources, such as Google, LinkedIn, and business directories, to target the right individuals and enhance credibility. Furthermore, he explores the value of joining targeted LinkedIn groups and utilizing influencers for effective outreach.
The Benefits of Building Relationships Through Outbound Marketing
Ryan Euent highlights the long-term benefits of relationship building through outbound marketing. By establishing rapport with buyers, he not only sells domains but also receives future inquiries and requests for specific domain categories. Ryan emphasizes the value of providing personalized attention to buyers and offering additional support and advice beyond the initial domain sale. Through nurturing these relationships, he can source domains tailored to specific buyer needs, resulting in additional sales and a growing network of satisfied clients.
Automation and Scaling in Outbound Domain Marketing
Ryan Euent discusses the advantages of automation and scaling in outbound domain marketing. He explains how he has been able to streamline the process by using robotic programming automation and machine learning to effectively gather data and send out personalized emails. Ryan also acknowledges the importance of utilizing customer relationship management tools such as Salesforce to manage leads, automate follow-ups, and send out comprehensive information booklets. These automation and scaling techniques enable domain investors to maximize their efficiency and generate more sales.
How one domain investor sold $300k of domains using outbound marketing. Most domain investors are passive. They list their domains for sale on marketplaces, put up “for sale” landers, and wait for buyers to come to them. A subset of investors do outbound marketing, contacting businesses that might be interested in buying their domains. One […]