Welcome to another episode of the Build In Public Podcast.
Today's episode features an insightful interview with Justin Welsh, founder of The Saturday Solopreneur. He has over 260k followers on LinkedIn and 170k followers on Twitter that witnessed his journey of building two $50M+ ARR companies, three 6-figure digital products for creators, and making $2.5M+ in self-employed income.
In this episode, Justin talks about his in-depth knowledge on becoming a successful content marketer. He covers an array of interesting topics such as the hub-and-spoke model, strategies in arriving at a competitive niche and how he found “the solopreneur niche.” Justin also gives tips to increase Twitter and LinkedIn engagements and some announcements on a few up-and-coming courses.
Build In Public Podcast is an interview show where KP chats with ambitious startup founders, CEOs, and top Internet creators to unpack their stories, insights, and lessons.
Thanks for listening!
Justin’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/thejustinwelsh
The Saturday Solopreneur: https://www.justinwelsh.me/the-saturday-solopreneur-newsletter
KP’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisiskp_
KP's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/KarthikPuvvadaKP