SUMMARY: Dr. Richard Mills joins Phoebe and Daphne for a chit-chat about all things fandom: slash fiction, Beatle novels, murder, conspiracies, tribute bands, horny editors, biopics, Superfan authors and anything else that pops up!
Dr Richard Mills is an Associate Professor in English Literature and Popular Culture at St Mary’s University, London. He has been programme director for the Film and Popular Culture, Cultural Studies and Irish Studies degrees. He has published extensively on popular music, Irish literature and culture, film, fashion and British television. Mills is the author of The Beatles and Fandom: Sex, Death and Progressive Nostalgia (Bloomsbury 2019). He is co-editor of Mad Dogs and Englishness (Bloomsbury 2017) and The Beatles and Humour (Bloomsbury 2023). He is author of the forthcoming The Beatles and Black Music: Post-colonial Theory, Musicology and Remix Culture (Bloomsbury 2025). Richard is a regular contributor to BBC4’s Last Word, Sky News, RTE, Portobello Radio and BBC Live. He is also on the editorial board of The Journal of Beatles Studies.
Understanding Fandom by Mark Duffett
Dancing in the Streets by Barbara Ehrenreich
The Historian and the Beatles by Erin Torkelson Weber
A Woman’s History of the Beatles by Christine Feldman Barrett
Beatleness: How the Beatles and Their Fans Remade the World By Candy Leonard
Shout, John Lennon: The Life and Paul McCartney: A Life by Philip Norman
Tune In by Mark Lewisohn
Revolution in the Head by Ian McDonald
Beatlebone by Kevin Barry
The Barracks by John McGahern
Memoir by John McGahern
Snodgrass and Other Illusions by Ian R. MacLeod
Across the Universe: Tales of Alternative Beatles by Michael A. Ventrellla and Randee Dawn
The Funkles!