Dan Murphy is Director of Marketing at Privy and creator of The Product Launch Masterclass, and today we’re talking about the 7 steps to crush your next product launch.
Dan knows all about this as he’s launched over 60 products to market throughout his career to date and we cover his product-launch framework including:
1. Strategy
2. Goals
3. Audience & positioning
4. Launch activities
5. Internal marketing
6. Launch day
7. Post-launch activities
If you launch products in SaaS, you'll love this episode!
The Product Launch Masterclass >> http://www.theproductlaunchmasterclass.com/
Privy >> https://www.privy.com/
Ben & Jerry's: The Inside Scoop >> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/261822.Ben_Jerry_s
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing >> https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33449.The_22_Immutable_Laws_of_Marketing
Advance B2B >> www.advanceb2b.com
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