Simply put, our primary relationships play a big part in how happy we are. Yet our brains are not really designed to be good at relationships; instead, our brains are designed for our survival and energy conservation.
So, although our brains are the most complicated structures in the known universe, they need training to be good in relationship.
And, as anyone in relationship will tell you, they take work. And because those brains like to conserve energy, it’s easy for us to fall asleep at the wheel while we’re in them. It’s no wonder we get into so much trouble in our relationships!
I'm so grateful to the thought leaders who are at the forefront of couple counseling. If I had to choose a superhero team of the biggest contributors to improving relationships, without question, this episode’s guest would be one of them.
This will be my second interview with Dr. Stan Tatkin, and if I have my way, there will be more! Stan has trained hundreds, if not thousands of therapists in his Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy model which has improved the lives of countless people on our planet.
Stan’s latest book, In Each Other's Care, just came out and it is awesome. To quote relationship expert and SuperPsyched guest, Terry Real, “Stan reminds us that taking care of one another, of our union, is taking care of ourselves.”
So, listen in as Stan explains why and how to be in each other’s care.
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