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Watch our episode with Nicky Saunders on how to build a successful online brand
00:00 Intro
3:00 Tricia’s story growing up as 2% minority in Arizona.
23:00 How your environment affects your results.
27:57 Be the Best or SHRINK
37:12 The level of hardwork required to be the best.
40:48 How to create a groundbreaking business idea.
46:45 How to know when to move on to something bigger.
52:53 How to market yourself like a BOSS
1:00:00 When should you quit?
1:05:16 How to view progress even when it’s not visible.
1:11:48 Who are you when everything isn’t going right?
1:20:48 Marketing your business VS Marketing yourself
1:26:34 Stop trying to please everyone!
1:33:15 Always believe in yourself.
About the video
Growing up as a 2% minority (Black) in Arizona, Tricia preferred to stand out rather than blend in. From disrupting the beauty industry with Polish Bar to dominating Brooklyn real estate with over $300M in sales, and now featuring as a co-star on Netflix' new series, 'Owning Manhattan,'. In this episode, she shares her experiences and how she got here by being different.