Today's episode is an audio WORKSHOP that’s going to teach you the basics of OOUX and the ORCA process. If you listened to the first episode, you should have a zoomed-out, big picture Idea of what OOUX is all about. But in this episode, you’ll actually get to practice OOUX!
NOTE: If you are driving or walking, feel free to keep listening to about the first 25 minutes in which I give an overview of the process and reiterate some of the main OOUX principles.
Once we get into the exercises you will get SO MUCH MORE out of this if you sit down with a pen and paper and follow along. And if you did this with me while listening to the UX Hustle episode I recorded back in August, it’s definitely not going to hurt to do it AGAIN. Especially if you feel like everything didn't fully click into place.
Okay, after the intro tunes roll, we will jump right into it. IF you want to know more about OOUX, sign up for the OOUX Newsletter so you can get the inside scoop about upcoming trainings and Cohort 4 of the OOUX Certification, which will start at the beginning of 2021.
Sign up here:
Also, please join us on Meetup at to participate in the OOUX Happy Hour. Our next Meetup—which is not even announced yet—is going to be all about OOUXing your UX Portfolio. So if you need or want to revamp your portfolio you definitely won't want to miss out on this event and the dynamic community we are building at the Meetup. Ok y'all, happy OOUXing!
OOUX Happy Hour Meetup:
Sign up for the OOUX newsletter:
Print the design challenge: