Dr. Jessica Gold (@blissscience) helps founders live an intentional and passionate life — which ultimately impacts their entrepreneurial success. She wants to put intentional self-care back on the map in a field obsessed with productivity and tracking metrics.
In our conversation, we dive deep into vulnerable places: from romance, passion, and love to dealing with stressful interpersonal conflicts. Dr. Jessica exposes the do-it-(for)-yourself frameworks that can help founders to stay level-headed when challenges seem insurmountable.
Dr. Jessica Gold on Twitter: https://twitter.com/blissscience
(00:00) Navigating Business and Personal Relationships
(12:28) Balancing Work and Pleasure in Founding
(18:04) Balancing Work and Pleasure for Success
(28:00) Importance of Body-Informed Therapy
This episode is sponsored by Acquire.com
The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/dr-jessica-gold-emotional-resilience-and-self-care-for-founders/
The podcast episode: https://tbf.fm/episodes/320-dr-jessica-gold-emotional-resilience-and-self-care-for-founders
The video: https://youtu.be/-3MGGrldnIM
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