In the latest episode of Climb in Consulting, we welcomed Assad Ahmed, Founder and CEO of Phase 3, the Manchester-based consultancy that provides professional and managed services across HR, payroll, and finance.
As a born entrepreneur, Assad started Phase 3 at a young age, and with a self-confessed aversion to planning, he was able to grow the business through his aptitude for building relationships and a healthy dose of ‘winging it’!
Since then, Phase 3 has grown to over 100 employees spread across the UK, with many of Assad’s early recruits now in management positions, including COO James Proctor, who started as one of Phase 3’s first consultants.
In this episode, Nick and Assad enjoy an in-depth chat about the trajectory of Phase 3, and delve into the detail of how it evolved from Phase 3 v.1 to v.2 and beyond.
They cover a whole host of fascinating topics, including:
- Why getting out and doing it is the most important step an entrepreneur can take
- How landing a hugely profitable client actually set the growth of the business back
- How Phase 3 thrived during the 2008-9 credit crunch by focusing on the value they offered to customers
- Why Assad now embraces planning – and why 90-day plans are his preferred duration
- The importance of culture in Phase 3, and why Assad is a big believer in putting people first
Whether you’re at the early stages of your consulting career, a seasoned pro, or you’re planning to start your own firm, you’ll love this episode of Climb in Consulting.
We hope you enjoy the show!
Reach out to Assad:
Learn more about Phase 3:
Books, magazines, and websites mentioned in the show:
- How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Growth: Building a Successful Consultancy in the Digital Age by Joe O’Mahoney