HEAT🔥 training is ESTABLISHED, EASY ✅ and FOR EVERYONE! Get on it NOW!
Brad Culp wants you to understand that HEAT training is not a FAD, and that PREPARING for your ENVIRONMENT is ESSENTIAL to your performance. Norwegians can do it, so can you! Plus, training is cheap🤑!
In the 139th episode of The Training Science Podcast, Paul and Brad discuss:
🔎 the FULL SCOPE of the “NORWEGIAN” method;
🥑 why FAT metabolism, volume AND intensity are all ESSENTIAL for endurance;
🇳🇴 how to BUILD a strong sense of “PURPOSE” around high-performance across all ages and sports - like in NORWAY!
Today’s speakers:
Prof. Paul Laursen https://www.paullaursen.com/
Brad Culp https://twitter.com/bbculp
Brad’s Norwegian Methods book: