We all know that when we invest a dollar well, over time with compounding interest, the dollar blossoms in value. Yet, the same can be said for our habits and behaviors. When we cultivate good habits and behaviors, over time they can pay us back with compounding interest as well.
And this idea relates perfectly to what my guest is working on with children—fostering skills that may pay dividends for the rest of their lives by helping them develop better relationships with their emotions and their friends. As a psychologist who has seen the importance of skills relating to emotions and friendship, I believe early intervention could be a major difference maker. Simply put, I’m blown away by my colleague and new friend, Dr. Eileen Kennedy Moore (https://eileenkennedymoore.com/) and her outstanding work. Eileen is a psychologist in private practice in Princeton, NJ, the author of multiple books written for parents and children, including her most recent, Growing Feelings: A Kids' Guide to Dealing with Emotions about Friends and Other Kids, co-written with Christine McLaughlin. Eileen is a major thought leader in psychology, and she is also the host of a podcast about children and friendship that I love called Kids ask Dr. Friendtastic.
As you’ll hear, she’s super engaging, her tips are on-point, and she has the ability to relay her wisdom in a manner that will empower children and parents.
Many adult listeners may listen to this episode and think, “I wish I had an Eileen when I was a kid.” Well, if you have a theme or variation of that thought, take heart in knowing I thought that too. Please know it’s not too late to incorporate her wisdom as an adult and that you can pass it on to the children in your life.
So, listen in as Eileen and I talk about children, friendship, and emotions. Book link: https://amzn.to/43jEIRE This is an affiliate link. It will provide me with a small commission on purchases made through it and help the podcast (but it won’t affect the price you pay). Link to Dr. Kennedy Moore’s Kids Ask Dr. Friendtastic Podcast; https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kids-ask-dr-friendtastic/id1668562771