Jackie Kennedy is Learning and Development Lead at London Borough of Camden, where work contexts range from libraries and schools to waste management and social care. How do you develop managers in these diverse contexts, with a public sector budget?
In this week’s episode of The Mind Tools L&D Podcast, Jackie joins Ross Garner and Owen Ferguson to discuss:
- The unique challenges faced by local government
- How to develop a management development programme without providing any ‘teaching’
- The role of digital in Camden’s L&D strategy.
To read more about how London Borough of Camden leverage the Mind Tools on-demand content library, see our case study.
In ‘What I Learned This Week’, Ross discussed his article for People Management, written with Gemma Towersey and our automated companion The L&D Dispatch GPT: ‘What we learned from seven years running an L&D podcast’.
Jackie discussed ‘eating the frog’.
For more from us, including access to our back catalogue of podcasts, visit mindtools.com/business. There, you'll also find details of our award-winning performance support toolkit, our off-the-shelf e-learning, and our custom work. Or you can email rgarner@mindtools.com
Connect with our speakers
If you'd like to share your thoughts on this episode, connect with our speakers:
· Ross Garner
· Owen Ferguson
· Jackie Kennedy