We celebrated a wild year with a "No Secrets" Q+A episode! This one is full of fascinating topics, mixing science, theory, and hot takes into the perfect holiday stew.
The questions all came from podcast listeners on the following topics: how to think about gut training, Zone 2 heart rate and how terrible some online calculators are for athletes of all levels, our favorite speed workouts to gauge progress over time, incorporating cross training into long-term growth, specific guidelines for cross training like cadence and effort, adapting and performing at altitude, consistency during the holidays and why it's ok to take downtime, supershoes and ankle stability, how we think about running cadence and form, Kilian's tempo-after-intervals workout, and our current thinking on the 2025 Western States 100.
It's such a gift to record this podcast each week. Thank you all for everything, and happy holidays! You are the most special goats to us.
Always thinking of Kilian,
-David and Megan
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