In this NEW episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife takes questions from her Facebook Group members on the nuanced and delicate topic of loss of attraction in marriage. In the discussion, Dr. Finlayson-Fife discusses how habituation, boredom, and resentment can undermine attraction, and how gratitude, appreciation, and novelty can foster it.
She also expertly responds to questions like:
* What can I do if I was never attracted to my spouse?
* My spouse has developed self-destructive habits that are impacting my attraction, how can I address this?
* I am disappointed by certain aspects of my spouse's appearance, what can I do?
* I am physically attracted to my spouse, but their personality is unappealing, what can I do?
* My spouse is apathetic about their health / hygeine, how can I address this?
* Can I rekindle the attraction for my spouse that I once had?
You can watch the recording of this conversation HERE!