Dr. Dan Siegel is an expert on parenting and the brain. He has written six books on parenting, including NYT bestsellers Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, and No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind. He is a professor at the UCLA School of Medicine, the co-founder of Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA, and has a psychotherapy practice where he treats children, adults, and families. Dr. Siegel is a wealth of information. He has an ability to integrate neuroscience, mindfulness, and practical life skills. In our interview he explains what present parenting looks like, the powerful effects of attunement with children, and the latest research on adolescence and what adults can learn from them. Not an episode to miss!