What if you lived in a different state than your business? Meaning, all of your products, your inventory, your team, and your operations were in a completely different state.
For today's guest, Rachel Kroh of Heartell Press, this is her every day now. She lives in Washington with her family, while her team of 5 works remotely across the country. They're shipping cards and gifts to more than 1,000 stores worldwide.
In this episode, Rachel shares how she tripled her revenue by focusing on selling wholesale, strengthening her systems, and building the infrastructure of her business. Plus, Rachel reflects on the challenges of relocating her business, the impact of her art on emotional expression, and her exciting plans for the future, including a 10-year anniversary collection. She is one of our Paper Camp alumni and also one of our LABS members.
Today's episode is brought to you by our Is Wholesale Right for You private podcast! This free 12-part audio series will help you decide whether wholesale is a good next step for your specific business. After listening to this audio series (in less than an hour), two things will be true. You'll know whether you want to pursue wholesale for your product business, and you'll have the confidence and action steps to get started with wholesale. Sign up for the private podcast today!
You can view full show notes and more at http://prooftoproduct.com/346
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