In his 23rd letter to his dear friend Lucilius, Seneca covers the joy that sprouts from philosophy and living virtuously. Unsurprisingly, many of the views held by Seneca around joy still find practical application to this day, but have been abandoned by society. Finding a permanent source of joy, which Seneca wishes for, has instead been replaced by distractions that may make you happy for a few minutes but are fleeting and inconsequential. Join us for this week’s episode as we break down what joy means to a Stoic, cover this letter and more of Seneca’s works in-depth, and talk about our own personal challenges finding joy in college.
We have some exciting Season 2 updates! One of our biggest projects has now come to fruition: The Gen Z Stoic website. You can find us at, where we strive to build a resilient and supportive community of people amidst their stoicism journey. Let us know what you think!
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