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i still think there's probably some strategic value in some carbohydrate, even with the low intensity. So i'm not necessarily going to eliminate it altogether ago zero carb for the run across. But it's another thing i'll play around with a little bit in the training, in some of those simulations that'll do leading in to the into
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the event, and kind of play around with wheregos. Soi'm pretty open minded on acound of where that falls a the one thing i do know is it's going to be in the low carbohydrate stretch of things, since that's kind of what i've been doing for the last ten plus years, it's a, it's not something i'm going to let flip on its head at this point in time, unless i see a major reason to do so. Ah, you
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know, i've been really fortunate with some of the more recent guests that have come on the cast, and ha've just kind of shared some of their advice, an some of their stories that have gone along with some of these longer type efforts, some of them specific to the transcontinental run that i'll be doing, some of them a
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different but still a lot of similarities, where they're doing multi day long hall type of things like this.
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And a getting kind of an idea of what they said works, what i should look out for
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a and account forin thingslike that has been very valuable. So if you're really interested that, i'll be releasing quite a few of those in the next coming weeks, where i'm talking to a folks like raise a hab, who's run across the sahara desert, a the pecastlnick interviews actually already out.
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Wehad idean carnasus come on, and my wife, nicol and
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i interviewed him and asked him about some of his longer hall efforts
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that he's done. He's actually gone
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west to east and east to west onon transcontinental efforts. So he had, he hadsome some cools share.
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And a most recently, i spoke with a
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cinder wolf. And she actually was a
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one of theo crew members for both pete castlenick
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well as sandy, who has the the course
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record for women on the transcontinental run. So she was there for that ento. She had a lot of really interesting things to share around
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especial yor own nutrition, and just kind of how that plays.