Phoebe Yu loves jumping down rabbit holes with the audience of her curiosity-driven channel on YouTube that focuses on research, human psychology, and culture, specifically within the tech sector. But if something interesting finds its way into the comment section, she’ll deep dive into that too. Listen now to Phoebe Yu’s conversation with Phillip and Brian!
Looking Back to Look Forward
Key Takeaways:
- [00:10:39] “Research is always iterating just like design. So I really want to keep that active research going, including participation from the audience.” - Phoebe
- [00:13:06] “Japan has been living in the year 2000 since 1980.” - Phoebe
- [00:29:09] “In a low context culture, people tend to communicate more directly, more explicitly, and in a high context culture, people would communicate in a more nuanced, more implicit kind of way.” - Phoebe
- [00:32:24] “It is always good to reduce user friction no matter what. We have to look at things contextually and see how that friction serves how that user feels about a certain service, a certain platform.” - Phoebe
- [00:42:47] “There is an inherent sense of curiosity when it comes to how different cultures operate because we, us, personally, we grew up in a specific culture, and it's easy to think that that is just how things are done across the board. But then when you realize there are different people doing things in a different way, that it might shatter your existing notions about certain things, and that raises a lot of questions of how things can be done.” - Phoebe
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