The Female Athlete Triad was initially comprised of three distinct but interrelated conditions that may appear in female athletes: eating disorders, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. Today, medical professionals recognize that a larger spectrum exists of lower energy availability, menstrual dysfunction, and low bone density. Any female athlete may develop these symptoms, but those competing in sports where leanness may confer a competitive advantage, aesthetic sports, sports with weight classes, and anti-gravitational sports are at an increased risk.
With us today is Elizabeth Joy, M.D., MPH, FACSM, a family medicine and sports medicine physician with over 30 years of clinical experience. She is Chief Medical Officer for Lore Health, a Past President of the Female Athlete Triad Coalition and in 2016, served as President of the American College of Sports Medicine. We have an outstanding show for you today shining a spotlight on a very important topic of the Female Athlete Triad.
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Additional resources:
Optimal Nutrition for Youth Athletes: Food Sources and Fuel Timing | Downloadable Handout