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Search for one attractive, specific, and unique quality he or she has. At the end of the conversation, look the individual right in the eye. Say his or her name and proceed to curl all ten toes with the Killer Compliment. If you want to praise friends every day, employ the next technique. 56, How to Make Them Smile with Idi Biddy Boosters. In contrast to the big guns of Killer Compliments for strangers and the Tombstone Game for loved ones, which we will learn shortly. Here's a little pea shooter you can pop off at anyone anytime. I call it Little Strokes. Little Strokes are short, quick kudos you drop into your casual conversation. Make liberal use of little strokes with your colleagues in the office. Nice job, John. Well done, Kyoto. Hey, not bad, Billy. I have one friend who uses a lovely little stroke. If I do something he likes, he says, not too shabby, Leo. You can also use little strokes on the everyday achievements of your loved ones. If your spouse just cooked a great meal, wow, you're the best chef in town. Just before going out together, gee, honey, you look great. After a long drive, you did it. It must have been tiring. With your kids. Hey gang, great job cleaning up your room. I once read a poignant readers digest article about a little girl who often misbehaved. Her mother had to continually reprimand her. However, one day, the little girl had been especially good and hadn't done a single thing that called for a reprimand. The mother said, that night after I tucked her in bed and started downstairs, I heard a muffled noise. Running back up, I found her head buried in the pillow. She was sobbing. Between the sobs, she asked,