In this episode of the podcast, I speak with Pan Katsukis, the CEO of Remerge, a mobile DSP. Our conversation centers around the state of mobile programmatic advertising. Among other things, we discuss:
- How the mobile programmatic space has evolved in recent years;
- The misconceptions that advertisers have about mobile programmatic;
- The mistakes that advertisers make when they first explore programmatic;
- The targeting techniques that you see advertisers have the most success with in programmatic;
- The typical platform budget split with programmatic;
- The type of non-gaming inventory that is available in the programmatic sphere;
- Whether gaming companies can be successful in buying non-gaming inventory programmatically;
- The measurement challenges with mobile programmatic?
Thanks to the sponsors of this week’s episode of the Mobile Dev Memo podcast:
- Vibe. Vibe is the leading Streaming TV ad platform for small and medium-sized businesses looking for actionable advertising campaign performance.
- INCRMNTAL. True attribution measures incrementality, always on.
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