Chris Johnson is a highly regarded and esteemed Physical Therapist based in Seattle, USA. Chris is an avid endurance triathlete, a two time Kona Hawaii Ironman qualifier and a Certified Triathlon Coach. Chris is also extensively published in medical literature and has a monthly column on Ironman. In addition to that Chris has a fantastic YouTube Channel and is the co-host of the Runners Zone, a great podcast on all things clinical for practitioners and runners alike and it is this great mix of personal endurance based sports and knowledge and his distinct gift for treating endurance athlete runners that made Chris a fitting guest to explore this Expert Expedition on all things bone stress injuries.
During this expert edition we discuss all things bone stress injuries, including the diagnosis and assessment of them, concepts such as hitting peak bone mass through the developmental years, how and why runners including myself succumb at times to runners stupidity syndrome, why it is important to tinker with only one variable at a time with return to run programs, debunking some common myths around bones and running and loading.
This episode is sponsored by Fasciitis Fighter
Fasciitis Fighter feet are happy feet! The Fasciitis Fighter is a unique exercise device designed by an Australian Physiotherapist which replaces the hassle of the rolled up towel in the evidence based High-load strength training protocol for persistent plantar Fasciitis. Used by thousands of health practitioners around the world as well as professional sports team including teams in the AFL, NFL and NBA to name a few. The Fasciitis Fighter is fast becoming a go to product in the management of plantar fasciitis. Find out more at or follow them on Instagram and FB on the handle @fasciitisfighter.
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